Next Full Moon
The next full moon will occur on:
Exact time: ()
Time remaining:
Future Full Moons
Observation Tips
Best time to observe: Shortly after moonrise or before moonset.
Tips for the naked eye: Find a dark area away from city lights for the best view.
Photography suggestions:
- ISO: 100-400
- Aperture: f/8-f/11
- Shutter speed: 1/125 to 1/250 seconds
- Use a tripod and a telephoto lens for detailed shots.
Astronomy Facts
The full moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Moon's face to be fully illuminated.
The moon's phases follow a cycle called a "synodic month," which lasts approximately 29.53 days.
Cultural Significance
This full moon is traditionally known as the . It has historical and cultural significance, often associated with .